
Staying Informed: Recent Research Advances in VEDS Treatment

Prescription pills symbolizing research into medications for VEDS treatment, including celiprolol and irbesartan.

Introduction  For those living with Vascular Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (VEDS) or supporting loved ones with this condition, staying updated on research developments can provide valuable information. New studies continue to emerge that help us better understand how medications might reduce the risk of serious complications in VEDS. Here, we share summaries of two recent research articles that provide important insights…

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Insights into the Natural History of Vascular Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (VEDS): Dutch Cohort Study

Screen shot of title and authors of scientific article.

A Dutch VEDS natural history was recently published. The article provides a comprehensive look at the natural history of Vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (VEDS) in a Dutch cohort, involving 142 patients. The study found that males, and those with specific gene mutations or distinctive physical characteristics, are at a higher risk of experiencing serious complications at an earlier age. Major…

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Finding Support at the Holidays & Beyond

As we navigate through the holiday season, a time of joy and togetherness, we’re also reminded of the challenges and hardships that can accompany these days. It’s a period that can bring a mix of emotions, especially for those in our VEDS community facing health struggles or remembering loved ones.  Acknowledging Our Community’s Resilience This season, we take a…

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Research & Human Trials Update

As we continue to advance our understanding of Vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (VEDS) and seek effective treatments, it’s crucial to stay updated on the progress of ongoing human trials. Here are the latest developments in two key trials that hold promise for our community:  Celiprolol Trial Update:  In a significant industry development, Acer Therapeutics was acquired by Florida-based Zevra Therapeutics,…

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When Time Won’t Stand Still

Tom was convinced or was maybe convincing himself, that he did not have VEDS, couldn’t have VEDS. He had played football, did heavy lifting, worked outdoors climbing and lugging lumber, and never had anything go wrong. Additionally, he believed testing was worthless because there was no treatment, no cure. He figured having the diagnosis meant living life as a…

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Comfort at Camp

“While having VEDS has been really scary, we’ve felt very lucky as well, to be a part of such a friendly and compassionate community. Every event we’ve been to through The VEDS Movement has been a great experience for our family. Zee, who is 6, has been able to form lasting friendships at camp. We’re happy he has friends…

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Introducing New VEDS Resources

We are excited to introduce two new resources aimed at empowering the VEDS community and educating healthcare providers. These tools can significantly improve the quality of care you receive. 1) Hospital Sign for VEDS Inpatients Download A crucial tool for our VEDS community members during hospital stays. This sign will alert healthcare workers about the VEDS diagnosis and provide…

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New VEDS Publication: Vertebral Tortuosity Is Associated With Increased Rate of Cardiovascular Events in Vascular Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

Authored by multiple members of our professional advisory board, this study investigates how twisted or curved vertebral arteries (the arteries supplying blood to the brain), termed “vertebral tortuosity,” may relate to blood vessel, hollow organ, and lung issues in people with Vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (VEDS). Summary:   The research found that increased twisting of these arteries is linked to a higher rate…

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New Director Named for The VEDS Movement

headshot image of Ryan smiling in front of green foliage

Ryan Rodarmer, MS has been selected by The Marfan Foundation to lead The VEDS Movement.  Ryan has a BS Degree in Biology and a Masters in Genetic Counseling.  He is also a survivor of a type A aortic dissection due to hereditary thoracic aortic disease.  As a genetic counselor Ryan has educated, advocated for and comforted many families affected…

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